30459 Light Silver Metalic LusterPrice:KSH-Â 600.00/-
LIGHT SILVER METALLIC Edible Lustre Dust / Powder Icing Colour
Metallic Colours Are Bold Colours With A Light Metallic Lustre Sparkle
Mix With Rejuvenator Fluid For An Edible Liquid Lustre Paint...
LIGHT SILVER METALLIC Edible Lustre Dust / Powder Icing Colour
Metallic Colours Are Bold Colours With A Light Metallic Lustre Sparkle
Mix With Rejuvenator Fluid For An Edible Liquid Lustre Paint
Approx 3g Nett - Because Of The Different Particle Sizes, Pots The Various Sub Ranges Of Rainbow Dust Hold The Same Volume But Slightly Different
Weights, Ranging From 3g To 5g Nett And Some M...