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2002380 Mobile Phone Patchwork Cutters

2002380 Mobile Phone Patchwork Cutters

Cover cake or plaque in sugarpaste and while soft emboss design onto paste. Lift the cutter away using the handle to prevent fingermarks. Roll out Mexican Paste on a lightly greased (use white vegetable fat) non-stick surface or board using a non-stick rolling pin. Always roll out the paste very thin. Each time you use the Patchwork Cutter rub vegetable fat onto the cutting edge and then press down firmly. Do not use cornflour. To remove the cutter, flick the edge of the cutter with a sharp upward movement. Peel away excess paste and use tweezers to remove any small unwanted pieces. Stick required pieces into place moistening the area with a little cooled boiled water.
KSH- 910.00/-
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